Life Choice - Progest ... $45.00
This blend of traditional herbs can be used as an all-natural skin cream, to soothe and relieve dry skin; replenish and protect its natural moisture barrier; and protect it from the elements. In addition to the skin care benefits, this formula was created to be "A Woman's Balancing Friend," designed to deliver the Red Clover, Pomegranate, Soy isoflavones and other herbal extracts through the skin into the fatty layer beneath, to be transferred into the bloodstream, to make it to receptor sites throughout the body, where they may help balance female hormone levels and may help decrease symptoms of Pre-Menstrual Syndrome or menopause. Ingredients: Aqua, Aloe barbadensis Leaf Juice, Lecithin, Persea gratissima (Avocado) Oil, Punica granatum Extract, Rosmarinus officinalis (Rosemary) Leaf Oil, Micronized Soy Isoflavones, Trifolium pratense (Clover) Leaf Extract, Glucose, Tocopheryl Acetate, Citrus grandis (Grapefruit) Seed Extract, Glucose Oxidase, Lactoperoxidase. Does not contain any GMO ingredients. Suggested Usage: Method: Apply half teaspoon of cream twice daily into smooth skin areas such as wrists, face, throat, or chest. For topical use only. Do not use on mucous membranes. Individual needs may vary. Massage cream into skin until it is noticeably absorbed. It can be applied to any area of the skin, such as the chest, breasts, lower abdomen, inner thighs, wrists/inner arms, and neck. It is recommended that you periodically rotate the area of the body where the cream is applied. Some women notice immediate results, while for others it may take a few weeks. If taking for Premenstrual Syndrome: Everyone is different; some women require more ProGest cream than others to help alleviate symptoms. The correct amount of ProGest cream differs from one person to another, so start with the following schedule for the cream, and adjust as needed: Days 1 to 14: do not use the cream; days 15-18: use 1/8 tsp. twice per day; days 19- 23: use 1/4 tsp. twice per day; day 24 to day period starts: use 1/2 tsp. twice per day. Adjust this schedule to meet your individual needs, gradually cutting back on the amount of cream used each month as improvements warrant. Using this cyclic schedule, day 1 is the first day of menstrual flow. Although the time of ovulation varies from woman to woman, the time from ovulation to menstruation is generally 12-14 days. For example, in a 28 day cycle, ovulation usually occurs on the 14th day, if you have a 35 day cycle, ovulation generally occurs around the 21st day. You will want to use natural ProGest from ovulation until the onset of your period. The time of ovulation can be determined by the dramatic change in basal body temperature (a sudden fall and subsequent rise) and by change in vaginal secretion (from a thin discharge to a thick mucus). Some women also experience lower abdominal pains during ovulation. You do not need to use cream during menstruating; if, however, you experience cramps or other symptoms during menstruation, you may use ProGest cream until the symptoms dissipate. Try rubbing the cream on your lower abdomen during menstrual cramping. If you have migraines during your cycle, rub cream on the back of your neck or on your temples. It is best to use the cream at the time of ovulation. If you have symptoms prior to ovulation (i.e., migraines), you may begin using ProGest cream earlier, and use until menstruation begins. Try cutting back each month on the amount used, if symptoms return resume the above usage, and try to cut back the following month. Ultimately your goal is to be symptom-free; if symptoms recur, use ProGest cream on an as-needed basis. For Menopausal Symptoms All women experience menopause differently: some women need more ProGest cream than others. The correct amount of cream for one will not necessarily be right for another; the manufacturer recommends using the following schedule as a guide: Beginning of menopause, while still menstruating: Day 1 (period starts) through 7: do not use cream; days 8 to 21: use 1/4 tsp. twice per day; day 22 to 1st day of next menstruation: use 1/2 tsp. twice per day. If you are no longer menstruating, follow the suggested schedule below, based on the calendar month. For vaginal dryness or discomfort use 1/4 - 1/2 tsp. once a day intervaginally, this may be in addition to or instead of your daily applications of the cream elsewhere. You may use cream for immediate relief of symptoms: for hot flashes or night sweats, use 1/4 - 1/2 tsp. every fifteen minutes for one hour following the episode. Some women find that they must use 1/2 tsp. twice per day, every day, to get relief from menopausal symptoms. If skipping the first seven days’ application leaves you with uncomfortable symptoms, you may use this cream every day of the month. If symptoms have not receded after several weeks use, then a small amount of ProGest cream for a limited time may be appropriate.
Life Choice Antifungal... $26.00
Life Choice Antifungal Medication Used in herbal medicine. Helps to relieve all fungal infections. Medicinal Ingredients:  Hypericum perforatum, (St Johns Wart)  108.5mg, Thuja occidentalis, (White Cedar) 535mg Non-medicinal ingredients:  Clove bud essential oil, DMSO, juniper berries, oregano leaf essential oil, propolis, tea tree essential oil, water, ethanol, grapefruit seed extract, sodium phosphate, tribasic carbomer 940. Contains non-gluten, corn, yeast, sugar, dairy or peanuts. Recommended route of administration:  Topical Cream. Recommended dose (adults 19 years and older):  0.5 ml applied 3 times per day. Recommended use:  Used in herbal medicine to help relieve all fungal infections such as ringworm. Best to first use it sparingly, especially when applied to sensitive areas. Cautions and Warnings:  Consult a healthcare practitioner prior to use if you have diabetes or poor blood circulation. Consult a healthcare practitioner if symptoms persist or worsen. Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes; if this happens rinse thoroughly with vegetable oil or water. If allergic reaction occurs, discontinue use. Keep out reach of children.
Life Choice DL-Phenyla... $23.00
Life Choice DL-Phenylalanine (DLPA) 500mg DL-Phenylalanine (DLPA) is an essential amino acid,meaning the body produces it naturally from the diet. All proteins in the body are made from amino acids, which is why amino acids are often referred to as the ‚Äúbuilding blocks‚ of proteins. Phenylalanine is one of the eight amino acids indispensable in the diet of man. It comes in two forms, called ‚ÄúD‚ (right-handed) and ‚ÄúL.‚ L (left-handed), Phenylalanine is also found in a mixture consisting of equal parts of the D and L forms, referred to as DL-Phenylalanine (DLPA). DLPA is used as natural pain control by a variety of people, whether they are active and sedentary. It may help relieve pain from whiplash, rheumatoid arthritis, lower back pain, migraines, muscle cramps and soreness, as well as postoperative pain. Moreover, it has been shown to be effective for boosting emotional enthusiasm for life and fighting depression. Unlike many pharmaceutical drugs, this non-addictive amino acid actually appears to become more effective over time. The pain relief may not occur immediately and can take anywhere from four days to four weeks before relief is noticeable. However, as opposed to risking addiction or side effects with pharmaceutical pain-killers, most users report that DLPA is worth the wait. Benefits: Boosts emotional enthusiasm Improves workout focus 100% Pure Pharmaceutical Grade Free From, fermented Non-GMO Directions:  Take 1 capsule daily on an empty stomach, or as directed by your health care practitioner. Ingredients: Each V-capsule contains: DL-Phenylalanine.............................. 500 mg 100% Pure Pharmaceutical Grade, Free Form Amino Acid. Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate, hypromellose, (all from vegetable source).
Life Choice DMAE Ligh... $20.00
   Life Choice DMAE is a nootropic that helps in enhancing cognitive performance by helping the brain to retain information better, focus, and train it. DMAE has been around for many years and is one of the most popular supplements on the market today, with many products claiming increased concentration, better memory, improved mood, and healthy brain function. DMAE has been used in Europe for more than thirty years in products designed to help relieve depression, headaches, and other conditions. DMAE is a naturally occurring nutrient found in the brain. It is known as an essential nutrient because it cannot be made by the body and must be obtained from outside sources. Like many other nutrients, DMAE does not taste good, nor does it contain much flavour. Therefore, supplements are typically designed to promote palatability and odour (like peppermint). While there are many benefits to DMAE and its ability to act as a "neuroprotectant," it is also used for improving cognitive function and supporting healthy brain function. The benefits of DMAE include treating age-related memory loss, improving cognitive performance, relieving depression and improving mood, reducing glutamate toxicity linked to schizophrenia, relieving symptoms of ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), preventing senile dementia, Alzheimer's disease, and more.  WHY USE DMAE? This product has been around for over 30 years. It has been researched extensively and shown to have many health benefits. DMAE also helps delay the onset of symptoms of menopause by freeing the women’s body from the effects of estrogen. DMAE improves men’s sex drive by enhancing the production of testosterone.  DMAE benefits for men include: Improves memory recall. Increases vitality and energy levels. Improves mood and promotes a positive outlook on life, more relaxed, outgoing, and happier. Increase muscle mass by reducing fat and fluid retention, helping you to look more defined and younger. Improves sperm count and motility and fertility in men who have a low sperm count or poor motility. Helps reduce symptoms of ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder).  DMAE benefits for women: Boosts memory Reduces hot flashes and night sweats associated with menopause. May increase breast size, stimulate the growth of new breast cells (mammoplasty). Helps to alleviate premenstrual syndrome symptoms. May reduce mood swings, bloating, cramps, and headaches. Helps to slow the formation of new wrinkles or even remove old ones on the skin's surface by acting as an effective skin moisturizer - leading to improved appearance of firmness and elasticity in the skin's surface layers. While the jury is still out as to how effective DMAE is for brain health, the available literature indicates that it may be beneficial in treating some age-related memory problems and learning disorders, boosting brain function in users with low levels of choline, particularly the elderly. More studies need to be performed on DMAE before any conclusive statements can be made about its safety and effectiveness in increasing cognitive function or improving memory recall.  Life Choice DMAE - Lights On Recommended Dosage (Adults): Take one capsule daily with a meal. Do not exceed recommended dosages. DMAE can be ingested in a supplemental form or taken orally to boost memory and concentration. The typical dosage is 200-600mg per day. It is often taken as a nootropic supplement, along with other brain enhancers. This product contains DMAE Bitartrate and Deanol Bitartrate. In general, DMAE is considered to be safe and has side effects that are usually mild at the recommended dosages. Adverse reactions include allergies to the artificial colourings used as well as headaches and lethargy.
Life Choice DMSO Gel 1... $33.00
Life Choice DMSO Gel 100 Grams DMSO pain killer and transporter from Life Choice is a sulfur-containing organic compound that is derived from MSM, and can be used internally or externally. DMSO can aid injuries such as sprained ankles, sore muscles and joints, and even fractures. DMSO also promotes immune system activity and can help in bodily detoxification. Historically, DMSO has also helped conditions such as neurological damage, arthritis, back problems, keloids, acne, burns, musculoskeletal problems, sinusitis, headaches, skin ulcers, herpes, and cataracts. Assists healing of minor wounds such as cuts and burns, and minor skin irritations. IngredientsDMSO ...................  90%Aloe  ..................... 10% Benefits: Helps temporarily reduce pain of large joints such as post-traumatic soft tissue injuries, acute bursitis, strains and sprains Alleviates Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) Strengthens the immune system Powerful detoxification 100% Pure Pharmaceutical grade Non-GMO DMSO: DMSO has many uses, but it is known mostly as a natural pain killer and transporter. First synthesized in 1866, DMSO is a sulfur-containing organic compound that is derived from MSM, and can be used internally or externally. DMSO can aid injuries such as sprained ankles, sore muscles and joints, and even fractures. The process starts when DMSO enters the bloodstream by osmosis through capillary walls. Then, DMSO is distributed throughout the circulatory system.DMSO has also been found to be a great product for Reflex Sympathetic dystrophy (RSD). A 2001 clinical study conducted in the Netherlands compared DMSO with NAC (acetyl-l-cysteine) for the treatment of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). The study was randomized, double-dummy controlled, and double-blind. For 17 weeks, 146 patients received treatment, with the option to continue or switch medication up to one year after beginning treatment. The study found that DMSO 50% showed more overall improvement, especially for patients with lower extremity CRPS and warm CRPS I.DMSO also promotes immune system activity and can help in bodily detoxification. Historically, DMSO has also helped conditions such as neurological damage, arthritis, back problems, keloids, acne, burns, musculoskeletal problems, sinusitis, headaches, skin ulcers, herpes, and cataracts.Topical application has been associated with redness and inflammation of skin, and a garlic-like taste and odor on the breath have been reported.Recommended Use: Helps to reduce pain associated with Reflex Sympathetic dystrophy (RSD). Used in Herbal Medicine to help relieve minor burns including sunburn. Assists healing of minor wounds such as cuts and burns, and minor skin irritations.Joint HealthYour cartilage acts as a living shock absorber that cushions and protects your bones from damage during the daily stresses of living, working, and playing. But, unfortunately due to age or even injury, the human body is sometimes unable to regenerate damaged soft tissue fast enough to keep your cartilage, ligaments, and tendons supple and flexible.The result can be pain and swelling. The pain and swelling we know as arthritis occurs when these supporting tissues degenerate, allowing bone to rub against bone, which as anyone who has osteoarthritis will tell you, causes pain.Muscles and joints can become injured whenever the body is in motion. It often occurs when doing strenuous or repetitive activities, like sports or working on an assembly line. Sprains refer to damage to a tendon or ligament. Tendons hold bone and muscle together. Ligaments hold bones together. Sprains cause sharp pain and rapid swelling of the area. Strains refer to overworking a muscle. It causes muscle cramps, localized pain during movement, swelling and loss of mobility. Another joint injury is bursitis, a swelling of the fluid-filled sac inside the joint. It usually causes localized pain on movement of the joint and swelling.
Life Choice DMSO Liqui... $33.00
Life Choice DMSO Liquid DMSO has many uses, but it is known mostly as a natural pain killer and transporter. First synthesized in 1866, DMSO is a sulfur-containing organic compound that is derived from MSM, and can be used internally or externally. DMSO can aid injuries such as sprained ankles, sore muscles and joints, and even fractures. The process starts when DMSO enters the bloodstream by osmosis through capillary walls.Then, DMSO is distributed throughout the circulatory system. DMSO has also been found to be a great product for Reflex Sympathetic dystrophy (RSD). A 2001 clinical study conducted in the Netherlands compared DMSO with NAC (n-acetyl-l-cysteine) for the treatment of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). The study was randomized, double-dummy controlled, and double-blind.For 17 weeks, 146 patients received treatment, with the option to continue or switch medication up to one year after beginning treatment.The study found that DMSO 50% showed more overall improvement, especially for patients with lower extremity CRPS and warm CRPS I. DMSO also promotes immune system activity and can help in bodily detoxification. Historically, DMSO has also helped conditions such as neurological damage, arthritis, back problems, keloids, acne, burns, musculoskeletal problems, sinusitis, headaches, skin ulcers, herpes, and cataracts.Topical application has been associated with redness and inflammation of skin, and a garlic-like taste and odor on the breath have been reported. Recommended Dosage: Adults-Apply to affected area as needed, best used sparingly, or as directed by your health care practitioner.Recommended Use:  Helps to reduce pain associated with Reflex Sympathetic dystrophy (RSD). Used in Herbal Medicine to help relieve minor burns including Ingredients: DMSO LIQUID 118ml / 250ml DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide 99.9%).................................................90% Purified Water.................................................................................10%
Life Choice GABA 500mg... $27.00
Life Choice GABA 500 mg GABA is found throughout the central nervous system (CNS), assuming an ever-enlarging role as a significant influence for pain, stress, anxiety, depression as well as stress-induced illness. Before January 1995, there were over 2000 documents and texts on GABA, describing how it affects anxiety/stress in the brain and CNS. By examining a step-by-step process of what happens in the brain when feeling stress and anxiety, you can easily understand how GABA works and slows down messages. Panic, anxiety or stress-related messages begin to release numerous signals, and concurrently, a physiological response, known as the ‚Äúfight or flight syndrome‚ , begins to take place. This is commonly known as a ‚Äúpanic attack.‚ The unceasing alert signals from the limbic system eventually overwhelm the cortex (the decision making part of the brain), and the ability of the rest of the stress network to sustain itself becomes exhausted. The balance between the limbic system, and in fact, the rest of the brain to communicate in an orderly manner depends critically on inhibition. GABA inhibits the cells from firing, diminishing the anxiety-related messages from reaching the cortex. GABA fills certain receptor sites in the brain and the body. This slows down and blocks the excitatory levels of the brain cells that are about to receive the anxiety-related, incoming message. When the message is received by the cortex, it does not overwhelm you with anxiety, panic or pain. You are able to maintain control and remain calm. But, if you are under prolonged stress or anxiety, your brain exhausts all the available GABA and other inhibitory neurotransmitters. This allows anxiety, fear, panic and pain to hit from every direction. Your ability to reason is diminished. In a full blown anxiety or panic attack physical symptoms include excessive sweating, trembling, muscle tension, weakness, loss of control, disorientation, difficulty in breathing, constant fear, headaches, diarrhea, depression and unsteady legs. Research done at The Pain & Stress Therapy Centre in San Antonio Texas has shown pure GABA 750 mg can mimic the tranquillizing effects of Valium or Librium without the possibility of addiction or fear of being sedated. GABA fills the receptors in the brain and feeds the brain what should be there. Pure GABA dissolves in water; it is tasteless, odorless, and the calming results occur within 10 to 12 minutes. Human behavior involves the functioning of the whole nervous system, and the nervous system needs amino acids. GABA, glutamine and glycine are vital for energy and the smooth running of the brain functions. B6 (pyridoxine) is GABA 's most important partner. GABA helps reduce nervousness and promote relaxation; it also helps to reduce sweat rate and maintain body temperature in hot weather. Consult a health care practitioner prior to use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Our Amino Acids are 100% Certified Kosher and Halal at every step of the production process including the manufacturing facility; this is the first of its kind. As it stands, Life Choice is the only nutraceutical supplier that can truly declare this. Benefits: Reduces stress Boosts brain metabolism Aids sex drive Reduces nervousness Improves sleep Stabilizes mood disorders 100% Pure Pharmaceutical Grade Free Form Fermented Amino Acid Non-GMO Directions: Take 1 capsule daily, for relaxation, on an empty stomach, or as directed by your health care practitioner. Take 2 capsules prior to exercise, on an empty stomach, for body cooling effects during exercise, or as directed by your health care practitioner. Consult your health-care provider for prolonged use. Ingredients: GABA (gamma-aminobutryc acid) 500 mg
-7% sale
Life Choice HGH+ 60 mL $59.00 $63.00
Homeopathic Endocrine Improves muscular strength, endurance and energy Restores hair color and growth Reduces body fat Rejuvenates skin tone and reverses wrinkling 100% Pure Pharmaceutical Grade Non-GMO Cruelty Free Non-Vegan Medicinal Ingredients: Adrenalinum 9X, Thyroidinum 9X, Insulin 12CH, Pituitarium (whole) 12CH100% pharmaceutical grade ingredients.Contains no wheat, corn, yeast, dairy, or any other filler.Non-medicinal ingredients: Ethanol, Glycerin, Water Recommended Dosage: Adults and adolescents ages 12 and older; Take 8 drops under the tongue 3 times per day. Take 30 minutes before or after meals or as directed by your health care practitioner. Consult a health care practitioner for prolonged use. Recommended Use: Homeopathic Medicine Caution/Risk Information: Consult a healthcare practitioner if symptoms persist or worsen or before use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Keep out of reach of children, do not use if security seal is broken.Homeopathic HgH+ represents a true anti-aging breakthrough in natural medicine. This safe, orally-administered preparation takes the high profile of pharmaceutical human growth hormone (HGH) in an easy-to-take, effective alternative to expensive injections.This formula offers a way to enhance immune response, increase lean body mass, stimulate neuro-endocrine system balance, and achieve optimal physical and mental performance. Its homeopathic preparation achieves these benefits by encouraging the body to produce more of the hormone on its own, “reminding” it of its proper function at the sub-molecular level. Homeopathic preparations are generally regarded as safe by all authorities, due to their extreme dilution, which renders their active ingredients nearly undetectable by the most sophisticated of measurements.
Life Choice L-Tryptoph... $30.00
Life Choice L-Tryptophan Suppresses appetite Reduces body fat Regulates mood swings Stress reliever Sleep Aid 100% USP Pharmaceutical grade Free Form, Fermented Non-GMO Cruelty Free Vegan Medicinal Ingredients:  Each V-Capsule Contains: Tryptophan (glucose fermentation) 220 mg, Vitamin B6 (from pyridoxal 5 phosphate) 50 mg Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Cellulose, hypromellose – all from vegetable source. 100% pure pharmaceutical grade ingredients, Free Form, fermented. Contains no wheat,corn,yeast,soy or dairy. V-capsules are made from vegetarian source, no gelatin used. Recommended Dosage Adults:  Take 1 capsule daily on an empty stomach, or as directed by your health care practitioner. Recommended Use:  A factor in the maintenance of good health and helps in tissue formation. Helps the body yo metabolize carbohydrates, proteins and fats and prevents vitamin B-6 deficiency. A source of the essential amino acid L-Tryptophan. According to studies, L-Tryptophan is able to cross the blood brain barrier with the vitamin B-6 uptake, and used to produce serotonin, a neurotransmitter responsible for sleep, mood and appetite. Caution/Risk Information:  Consult a health care practitioner prior to use if symptoms worsen or if you are currently using prescription medication or if you are pregnant or breastfeeding or if you have a neurological condition. Some people may experience drowsiness. Exercise caution of operating heavy machinery, driving a motor vehicle or involved in activities requiring mental alertness. Do not use if you have a condition in which tryptophan cannot be metabolized normally (e.g. liver conditions or errors of metabolism) May cause nausea. keep out of reach of children.
Life Choice Laktokhan ... $37.00
Life Choice Laktokhan Probiotic Complex Shelf Stable Blister Pack 10 Billion Strains Clinically Proven Diarrhea & Nausea Support Useful During Antibiotic Usage Balance Good & Bad Bacteria Ingredients LAKTOKHAN PROBIOTIC COMPLEX, 60V 's 10 billion CFU (colony forming units)Human Origin Strains Shelf stable up to 3 yearsLactobacillius rhamnosus UALR-06...............................6 billion CFU 's Lactobacillius acidophilus DDS-1...................................1 billion CFU 's Lactobacillius casei UALC-03.........................................1 billion CFU 's Bifidobacterium longum UABL-014.................................2 billion CFU 's NON-MEDICINAL INGREDIENTS IN EACH LIFE CHOICE CAPSULES: Cellulose, Mycrocrystalline (all from vegetable source), Ascorbal Palmitate, Cellulose Directions Suggested Dosage: Adults,adolescents and children > 1 year old: 1 capsule daily with a meal Laktokhan® Probiotic Complex FAQsWhat is Life Choice® Laktokhan Probiotic Complex?Life Choice® Laktokhan is a probiotic supplement of exceptional quality and effectiveness. Laktokhan restores the balance of good bacteria, thus helping to normalize digestive function and boost immunity.What Life Choice® Laktokhan Probiotic Complex is for?Life Choice® Laktokhan Probiotic Complex helps to manage acute infectious diarrhea and reduces the frequency of gastrointestinal disorders, such as diarrhea and nausea, during antibiotic use.  It maintains a balance between beneficial and harmful bacteria.What are the ingredients in Life Choice® Laktokhan Probiotic Complex?Life Choice ® Laktokhan Probiotic Complex contains 10 billion CFU (colony-forming units) of four human strains of “friendly” intestinal micro-flora, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei, and Bifidobacterium longum. These friendly bacteria help keep harmful bacteria from multiplying in our intestines. Laktokhan also contains the prebiotic inulin, feeding only the beneficial bacteria, not the harmful organisms.Does Life Choice® Laktokhan Probiotic Complex contain FOS?Probiotics are live bacteria and in order for them to continue living they need to feed, and they do on prebiotics mixed with the Probiotics. There are mainly two prebiotics on the market, FOS and Idolin, we use Idolin. Is Life Choice® Laktokhan Probiotic Complex vegan?Yes, it is vegan and cruelty free. Human origin strains remain within intestines All strains (10 billion) are clinically proven and scientifically tested Shelf-stable and blister packed 100% USP Pharmaceutical grade Non-GMO Non-dairy Cruelty Free Vegan What is silicon dioxide and where is it sourced from?The silicon dioxide found in Laktokhan is food grade and is used to prevent the ingredients from clumping and sticking. It also acts as a flow agent for pressing tablets and capsules, and only trace amounts are used in production. Silicon dioxide is derived from quartz sand is both safe and inert, and found in many foods; even in the production of beer and wine. Recommended Use:  Laktokhan contains probiotics (live microorganisms) that contribute to a natural healthy gut flora, which benefits health. Laktokhan helps to manage acute infections diarrhea, as well as reduces the risk of, and helps to manage antibiotic diarrhea. Caution and Warnings: Discontinue to use and consult a health care practitioner if symptoms of digestive upset (e.g. diarrhea) occur, worsen or persist beyond 3 days. Contraindications: Do not use if you are experiencing nausea, fever, vomiting, bloody diarrhea or severe abdominal pain. Do not use if you have an immune-compromised condition.Hypoallergenic: This product contains NO gluten, dairy, beef, egg, corn, soy, peanut, pineapple,yeast or sugar.
Life Choice Lithium Ho... $30.00
Life Choice Lithium Homeopathic 100% USP Pharmaceutical Grade Homeopathic Formula Non-GMO Cruelty Free Vegan Ingredients:  Lithium (lithium citrate) 6x Non-Medicinal Ingredients:  Water (purified), ethanol (grain distilled) 100% pure pharmaceutical grade ingredients. Contains no wheat, corn, yeast, dairy, or any other filler. Recommended use or purpose:  Homeopathic remedy for improved health. Recommended dosage Adults: Take 10 drops under tongue three times per day, or as directed by your health care provider. Recommended route of administration:  Sublingual Caution/ Risk Information:  Consult a health care practitioner if symptoms persist or worsen, or before use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Keep out of the reach of children, do not use if security seal is broken. Contains no wheat, corn, yeast, soy or dairy, sugar, or peanuts. NON-GMO Lithium is both an element and a mineral locked within salts. First discovered in 1790, the color is white to gray and when thrown into fire it flares bright crimson.Lithium salts have the power to change the brain: they were the first drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration to treat mania, depression and Bipolar disorder, according to the National Institute of Health.No one knows exactly how lithium works to stabilize mood. Studies show multiple effects on the nervous system. In 2008, researchers reported in the journal Cell that lithium interrupts the activity of a receptor for the neurotransmitter dopamine.
Sold out
Life Choice Sweet Drea... $29.00
Life Choice Sweet Dreams Liquid Melatonin Relieves insomnia and promotes a good night’s sleep Eases jet lag without the apparent adverse side effects of other remedies 100% USP Pharmaceutical grade Patented raw material Non-GMO Non-addictive Cruelty Free Vegan Medicinal Ingredients:  Each 7 drops contain 1mg  Melatonin Melapure,*  (registered TM of flamma S.p.A, Italy Melatonin) Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Water (purified) , ethanol (grain distilled), glycerin, (vegetable source), citric acid, natural peppermint flavor. 100% pure pharmaceutical ingredients Contains no wheat, corn, yeast, dairy, or any other filler. Recommended Dosage Adults:  Take 7-21 drops(0.35ml-1.05ml) per day. Add to glass of water (200ml) on or before bedtime or as directed by your health care practitioner. Recommended Duration of Use:  For use beyond 4 weeks, consult a health care practitioner. Recommended Use:  Helps increase the total sleep time in people suffering from sleep restrictions or altered sleep schedule. Caution/Risk Information:  Consult a healthcare practitioner prior to use. If you have hormonal disorder, diabetes, liver, or kidney disease, cerebral palsy, seizure disorders,migraine, depression, and/or hypertension or if you are taking blood pressure or sedative/hypnotic medications. If symptoms persist continuously for more than 4 weeks, consult a healthcare practitioner. Keep out of reach of children. Contra-Indications:  Do not use if pregnant, breastfeeding or taking immunosuppressive drugs. Do not drive or operate machinery for 5 hours after taking melatonin. Melatonin is a substance found in almost all cells from the simplest life forms (algae) to the human body. Melatonin is produced and secreted by the pineal gland and as we age secretion decreases.Supplementation of melatonin may be able to replace the decreased secretion that is part of the aging process. The hormone melatonin in clinical studies has shown to produce rapid sleep onset, and to increase the duration of sleep. Some reports show that around age 6, melatonin secretions from the pineal gland begin to decrease due to the increased intake of food as we grow (melatonin is thought to be found in all foods). But the melatonin in foods may not be enough to replace the needs in the body, so it is highly recommended to use dietary supplementation as a means of receiving additional melatonin. Melapure® Melatonin is both patented and USP pharmaceutical grade, and follows the same chemical pathway as natural melatonin produced within the body via the pineal gland. Melatonin is a hormone, and because it is hormones must be USP pharmaceutical grade to ensure it is free from biological contaminants. Melapure® Melatonin is a well tolerated, non-habit-forming agent which does not produce grogginess. As an antioxidant it may turn back the ravages of time by “resetting” the body’s aging clock. Melapure® Melatonin has demonstrated beneficial effects against jet lag, without the apparent adverse side effects of other remedies. Studies recently indicate melatonin may bolster our immune system, slow the growth of cataracts and tumors, and help fight off heart disease, all of which are exacerbated by stress. More than 50 million Americans suffer from sleep disorders, including insomnia, excessive drowsiness, and restless movement during sleep. Sleep disorders can disrupt a person’s lifestyle by causing a shorter attention span, decreased energy and physical strength. More importantly, those suffering from a lack of sleep are more prone to accidents, depression and infections. Four to six million Americans each year receive medications for sleeping pills; these prescriptions often cause side effects including grogginess, escalating to tolerance, dependence and withdrawal symptoms. Once the drug is discontinued, sleep patterns may be worse than before the treatment was started. Melapure® Melatonin shares none of these problems, and therefore is considered to be an ideal sleep-inducing aid.  Life Choice uses the purest source of Melatonin in the world. Sweet Dreams Liquid Melapure® Melatonin gives you the option of taking a pleasant, minty-fresh liquid instead of capsules, with the same effectiveness and superior ingredients.  
Life Choice Thydracut ... $42.00
Life Choice Thydracut Life Choice Thydracut is a unique weight loss formula designed to increase metabolism by stimulating the production of thyroxin, a key thyroid hormone. Raising the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is the key to the fat-burning process, which of course leads to loss of excess weight. As always, Life Choice ensures that the highest-quality ingredients are used, in a combination meant to enhance the health of the thyroid gland, which regulates the metabolism and calcium balance. Organic raw thyroid and raw adrenal tissue concentrates in homeopathic form help both thyroid and adrenal function, but it is the addition of the amino acid L-Tyrosine, bladderwrack derived from kelp, and selected trace minerals, acting in synergy, that makes this formula special, as it supports different aspects of the complex metabolic system. Benefits: Boosts fat burning capability, and supports the thyroid and adrenal glands. Gives neurological support during exercise Stimulates metabolism Directions: Take 1 capsule of Life Choice Thyroxycut / Thydracut daily with a meal, a few hours either before or after taking other medications, or as directed by your health care provider. Consult a health care practitioner for use beyond 3 months. Ingredients Adrenalinum (HPUS Class F)..............................................................6x Thyrodinum (HPUS Class F)...............................................................6x L-Tyrosine...................................................................................150mg Bladderwrack (Fucus vesiculosus) 5:1 extract.............................150mg Magnesium (magnesium bisglycinate)........................................100mg Zinc (zinc picolinate).......................................................................5mg Manganese (manganese bisglycinate).........................................1.5mg Vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin)................................................1000mcg Chromium (chromium picolinate)..............................................200mcg Copper (cupric citrate)..............................................................150mcg Iodine (potassium iodide)..........................................................100mcg Molybdenum (molybdenum glycinate)........................................50mcg
Life Choice Thymus Gla... $34.00
Thymus Gland Helps to maintain immune function Organic, New Zealand Ovine Vitamin B6 (P5P) Zinc Picolinate 100% Pure Pharmaceutical Grade Non-GMO USP Grade The thymus gland is one of the principle glands for the auto immune system. It is composed of two soft pinkish-grey lobes lying in a bib-like fashion just below the thyroid gland and above the heart. It is also known as the longevity gland.The thymus produces T-lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell responsible for ”cell-mediated immunity.” This term refers to immune mechanisms not controlled or mediated by antibodies. Cell-mediated immunity is extremely important in resisting infection by mold-like bacteria: yeast, fungi, parasites, viruses, toxins and allergens. The function of the thymus gland is to program white blood cells, the body’s immune army, in their various tasks and then send them into the blood to recognize and destroy pathogens. It ”instructs” certain T-cells what to attack and when.Some of the T-cells, in turn, control other white cells, which are responsible for maintaining certain antibodies. Without the thymus’s instructions, the T-cells may fail to attack enemies like bacteria & viruses, or they may even mistake some of your own cells for an invading enemy and attack you–known as autoimmune disease. Examples of autoimmune disease are: multiple sclerosis, atherosclerosis, adult-onset diabetes, and rheumatic diseases such as arthritis.The thymus gland, weighs less than half of an ounce at birth, but by puberty, the thymus will reach to its maximum size of about 10 ounces. After age 20, the thymus begins to shrink (atrophy) and thymic cells progressively die off to be replaced by fat and connective tissue. At the critical early twenties stage, the abundance of well-functioning T-cells regulate the immune system and help the body fight off pathogens and disease. But with the inexorable shrinking of the thymus gland over time, by about age forty, the output of thymic hormones has decreased significantly, and the T-cells have begun to lose their effectiveness. It is this gradual loss of functioning T-cells that is thought to be responsible for many of the age-related changes in the immune system.The thymus gland is also highly responsive to our emotions and shuts down when we are feeling stressed, unfulfilled, and without purpose. As a result, the white blood cells become fewer in number and less aggressive.Support for the thymus gland can be achieved through a healthy diet; healthy sleep patterns and receives adequate rest; water and exercise, and our learning to manage stress effectively.Life Choice Thymus gland is formulated from organic New Zealand lamb. Cellular delivery is as important as the gland itself. Zinc and B-6 must be available within the system for thymic absorption to occur, and because of this, we have formulated our Thymus with the best transporters, Zinc Picolinate and P5P—as usual, nothing but the very best.Thymus: the Immunity Gland Ingredients Each V Capsule Contains: Thymus Gland (ovine = sheep)…………………………………………..200mg B-6 (pyridoxal-5-phosphate 37.3mg)…………………………………….25mg Zinc Picolinate……………………………………………………………..25mg USP pharmaceutical grade, Whole desiccated raw tissue concentrates, New Zealand grass fed lamb, Free of growth hormones, antibiotics, or chemical additives. Contains no wheat, corn, soy, dairy. V capsules are made from vegetarian source, no gelatin used. Recommended (ORAL) Dosage Adults: Take 1 capsule daily with food, or as directed by a health care practitioner. Take a few hours before or after taking other medications. Recommended Use: Helps to maintain immune function. Helps the body to metabolize carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Helps in tissue formation. A factor in the maintenance of good health.Helps to maintain healthy skin. Helps in connective tissue formation. Caution/Risk Information: Consult a health care practitioner for use beyond 3 months. Do not use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding or if you have an immune system disorder or are taking immunosuppressant medication.
Life Choice Thyrodine ... $37.00
Life Choice Thyrodine Thyroid Gland Thyrodine® is a 4-year achievement, the first of its kind. Thyroid gland concentrate from non-GMO grass-fed bovine; non-medicated and hormone-free. Thyrodine® is a proprietary preparation without chemical residue, safe, effective and a natural source of iodine. And now licensed by Health Canada! Thyrodine® is formulated by a naturopathic doctor, and manufactured under GMP guidelines using USP pharmaceutical grade raw materials to ensure therapeutic results with all safety markers in place: the Life Choice® way. Raw desiccated whole-gland thyroid gland concentrates could help restore the balance needed for those with both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. Helps in the function of the thyroid gland Helps to maintain immune function A factor in the maintenance of good health Helps in connective tissue formation Helps to maintain healthy skin Helps the body to metabolize carbohydrates, fats and protein Each V- Capsule Contains: Thyroid Gland (Cattle)…………………………….65 mg Fucus Vesiculosus (kelpware 5:1)……...……….50 mg Zinc Picolinate(zinc)……………………………….25 mg Iodine (potassium iodide)………………..……..100 mcg 100% Pure Pharmaceutical Grade all-natural whole raw desiccated tissue concentrate from grass-fed cattle (bovine). FREE OF: all growth hormones, antibiotics, chemical additives, BSE, TSE and GMO. Non-medicinal Ingredients:  Cellulose, hypromellose, (all from vegetable sources) Contains no wheat, corn, yeast, soy or dairy. V-capsules are made from a vegetarian source, with no gelatin used. Recommended Dosage Adults:  Take 1 capsule 1 daily with food, or as directed by your health care practitioner. Take a few hours before or after taking other medications. Duration of use:  Consult a health care practitioner for use beyond 3 months. Recommended Use:  Helps in the function of the thyroid gland. Helps to maintain immune function. A factor in the maintenance of good health. Helps in connective tissue formation. Helps to maintain healthy skin. Helps the body to metabolize carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Caution/Risk Information:  Do not use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Consult a health care practitioner if you have a thyroid condition prior to taking this product or if you are taking blood thinners. Life Choice Ltd.  THYRODINE® Thyroid Gland 60V’s The thyroid gland surrounds the windpipe at the base of the neck. It produces a number of hormones, primarily thyroxine, that accelerate the basal metabolic rate and thus directly influence circulation, respiration, and tissue growth and repair. Thyroxine is also essential to sexuality in women, providing a glandular link between the brain and the organs of reproduction. The other principal thyroid hormone is calcitonin, which inhibits the release of calcium from bone and plays a central role in maintaining both calcium balance and strong bones. Hyperthyroidism, the name given to the over-production of thyroxine, causes extreme nervousness and irritability, increased heart rate and blood pressure, weight loss, muscle weakness/tremors, infrequent, scant menstrual periods, sleep disturbances, enlarged thyroid gland, vision problems or eye irritation, and heat sensitivity. The underproduction of thyroxine, or hypothyroidism, results in dry skin, fatigue, frequent, heavy menstrual periods, forgetfulness, weight gain, brittle nails, dry, coarse skin and hair, and intolerance to cold. Goiter, which is actually an enlarged thyroid, is a sign of thyroid insufficiency. In infants, hypothyroidism can be devastating, inhibiting physical development and causing irreversible mental retardation. The thyroid gland can be particularly important for women. In normal pregnancy, the thyroid gland hyper-secretes. If this fails to happen, the pregnant woman’s teeth may decay, and her skin and nails deteriorate. Raw glandular thyroid is a prudent preventive against these problems. Thyroid hypo activity causes the hot flashes and irritability that affect many women during menopause. Thyroid tissue helps restore the gland to proper function and is helpful for relieving many of the symptoms.
Nutrition Plus Main Office, 2093 Pembina Hwy, Winnipeg, MB, CA R3T 5L1