Eden Foods Eden Foods TAHINI... €12,95
Graines de sésame bio, décortiquées, rôties à sec et moulues en un «beurre de noix» délicieusement lisse et plus nourrissant. Superbe profil d'acides aminés et graisses saines dans une pâte riche et crémeuse. Le tahini est le beurre du Moyen-Orient, un aliment de base méditerranéen et un ingrédient essentiel dans la fabrication des trempettes houmous (pois chiche) et baba ghanoush (aubergines grillées). Il est polyvalent dans les sauces, les vinaigrettes, les trempettes, les desserts, les pâtisseries, les smoothies et les casseroles. Les sauces tahini sont utilisées sur les falafels (galettes de pois chiches frites), la viande, le poisson, les légumes et les nouilles. Le tahini est savoureux comme trempette ou tartinade et constitue un excellent ajout à tout smoothie, sur du pain pita, des toasts, des craquelins, des muffins et des gâteaux de riz. Préparez une tartinade au miso tahini ou un tahini avec trempette/tartinade/sauce au citron et à l'ail. Bocal en verre, sans gluten, sans OGM et  parève. DESCRIPTION DÉTAILLÉE Le beurre du Moyen-Orient, le tahini est un incontournable de la cuisine méditerranéenne et des régions des Balkans au Moyen-Orient et à l'Afrique du Nord. On pense qu'il est originaire de Perse, de l'actuel Irak, de l'Iran et de la Syrie. Aussi connu sous le nom de tahina, tahinah et tahiniyya, traduit du mot arabe signifiant « moudre ». E DEN Le tahini est une graine de sésame de culture biologique, décortiquée, légèrement torréfiée et broyée en une pâte lisse. Il a une saveur riche et légèrement noisette et une texture crémeuse. Il est sans sodium, une riche source de thiamine B1 et de magnésium, et une bonne source de protéines, de fer, de niacine B3 et de zinc avec un superbe profil d'acides aminés et des graisses saines. Bocal en verre, sans gluten, sans OGM, et k pareve. Sésame Indice de sésame est la plus ancienne plante oléagineuse cultivée. Il a une histoire ancienne en Afrique où il s'appelle 'benniseed' et 'sim-sim'; avec une histoire similaire en Inde. Il est cultivé dans le monde entier dans des climats chauds. Le sésame est appelé "graine de longévité". Les soldats égyptiens, grecs, romains et turcs les portaient comme rations. L'expression «sésame ouvert» indique l'entrée dans la splendeur et l'abondance. Le tahini est essentiel pour le houmous (pois chiches moulus, tahini, ail, citron et sel) et le baba ghanoush (aubergines grillées, tahini, citron, herbes et sel). Les sauces tahini sont utilisées sur les falafels, la viande et les légumes au Moyen-Orient et sur les nouilles et les légumes en Asie. E DEN Le tahini enrichira toutes les sauces, vinaigrettes, trempettes, desserts sucrés, pâtisseries, smoothies et casseroles. C'est une tartinade savoureuse pour tous les pains, toasts, craquelins, muffins ou galettes de riz. Visitez pour de nombreuses recettes délicieuses et gratuites contenant E DEN Tahini tels que Falafel, tartinade de tahini miso, vinaigrette Umeboshi tahini, vinaigrette orange miso tahini, tartinade de poireau miso, dattes farcies au miso tahini, houmous, houmous de haricots noirs, pâtes de sarrasin avec sauce tahini aux oignons verts, et plus encore. Utilisez-le comme substitut aux cacahuètes dans les sauces servies sur les pâtes.
Eden Foods Eden French Celti... €8,95
Eden French Celtic Sea Salt Hand-harvested, stone ground, unrefined sea salt from the protected Isle of Noirmoutier, Brittany, France. Celtic methods, dating way back, create it with no chemicals added. Smooth, mellow flavor, and a wealth of trace minerals. Fine grind. Glass jar. Ingredients:  Unrefined Atlantic Fine Sea Salt MORE DETAILS The Isle of Noirmoutier is famous for its sea salt. Two-thirds of it is sea marsh. Situated in the Bay of Biscay in the Vendee region, the Isle is connected to the continent by the Gois Causeway. The sunny, almost tropical climate and constant gentle dry winds that assist evaporation make Noirmoutier ideal for producing it. The Isle is a national nature preserve and environmentally protected. The name Noirmoutier means 'black monastery' derived from the black robed monks who inhabited the island in mediaeval times. They're credited as first to hand harvest salt there using Celtic methods that remain largely unchanged today. Atlantic waters flow into Noirmoutier's rectangular, hard sun-baked man-made clay pools. Two days of evaporation from sun and wind create large coarse crystals called 'sel gros'. The crystals are light gray from the clay. They are harvested by the 'saunier' or salt harvester using long rakes to gather the crystals. Using strong, swift strokes the saunier draws crystals to one side of the pool. Every two days the saunier collects small amounts and adds it to the pile that becomes several feet high as the harvest season progresses. The coarse salt is dried and stone ground to medium size to produce EDEN Sea Salt. No further processing, washing, or additives are involved, and it is never blended. This traditional Celtic process seals in a wealth of trace elements and produces the most delicious sea salt in the world. Noirmoutier islanders take pride in the purity and taste of their salt, just as citizens of Bordeaux take pride in their wine. Their craft has been handed down through generations and the island possesses unique qualities producing one of the most exquisite salts in the world. EDEN Sea Salt is certified by ACTOA (L'Association de Controle Tiers Ouest Atlantique), 'Selection du Saunier.' This organization certifies that the region of Noirmoutier maintains a pure, unpolluted environment suitable for organic agriculture and also respects the Standards of Salt. The market is awash with imitation sea salts that have little in common with the likes of EDEN unrefined sea salts. Almost all food processors use these because they're so cheap in comparison and they can get away with it. The difference is the taste, nutrients, and physiological effects. EDEN Sea Salt is lower in sodium and higher in calcium than other salts. This gives a smooth, savory flavor. It is sea salt in its natural state with trace elements almost identical to the sea. Iodine is not stripped out and then 'fortified' back in. EDEN Sea Salt is packed in glass to protect it from absorbing moisture. An excellent value, EDEN French Celtic Sea Salt has a clean, smooth, rich flavor. A supreme value, it's ideal for use as table salt and for all cooking and baking needs. In salt shakers, add several grains of rice to absorb moisture.This salt does not supply iodide, a necessary nutrient.
Eden Foods Eden Organic Kimc... €10,95
Eden Organic Kimchi, Sauerkraut  Kimchi and Sauerkraut are both ancient health foods. This sauerkraut combines a traditional Kimchi spicy zest with the mellow savory flavor of old-world sauerkraut. Coupling Hirzel's spectacular kraut with the zest and health benefits of kimchi results in the best sandwich topping, side dish, or snack food you could ask for. Organic cabbage is hand-harvested, cored, shredded, and lactic acid fermented with EDEN Sea Salt for at least six weeks. When fermentation is complete, the all-organic kimchi herb/spice medley is added. Over ninety years of experience, traditional methods, and one family’s care from field to jar, give EDEN Kimchi Sauerkaut great value and sought-after flavor. No untoward additives of any kind whatsoever. Glass jar packed. . MORE DETAILS EDEN Kimchi Sauerkraut is made of the finest organic cabbage grown in rich organic soil, carefully tended, harvested, and fermented by the Hirzel family. Since 1923 they have been growing the sweetest cabbage and making sauerkraut the way their family did in Switzerland. Hundreds of acres are enriched from years of on-site composting operations and organic care. Tree leaves and organic production by-products make rich organic compost. Soil thus enriched retains moisture and grows more delicious, nutrient dense food. Hot summer days and cool nights contribute to sweeter cabbage, then, generations of caring know-how make this spectacular Kimchi Sauerkraut. Cabbage is washed, cored, and shredded, then lactic acid fermented with EDEN Sea Salt for at least six weeks. Artisan management of the fermentation cannot be computerized. When fermentation is complete, all organic red bell peppers, onions, garlic, ginger root, cayenne pepper, yellow mustard seed, and chili pepper are added and impart a sparkling Kimchi zest and red color. Generations of experience and one family's care from the seed, sprouts, fields, harvesting, and fermentation creates a sauerkraut of considerable value and gives EDEN Kimchi Sauerkraut its homemade, old-world character. Fermented food can be extremely beneficial. Sauerkraut fermentation produces isothiocyanates with flavor common to wasabi, horseradish, mustard, radish, watercress, and capers. These compounds are garnering great interest in food science and medicine for their efficacies. Fermentation produces many healthy compounds not found in raw foods. "We are finding that fermented cabbage could be healthier than raw or cooked," said Eeva-Liisa Ryhanen, Ph.D., research manager of MTT Agrifood Research Finland. Fermentation produces organic acids and enzymes that make cabbage easier to digest and aid in digestion of food in general. They also boost immune strength. This research adds to the growing number of studies showing cabbage and other cruciferous vegetables are the best source of many healthful phytonutrient. Antioxidant potent vegetables, herbs, and spices – 100% organic red bell peppers, onions, garlic, ginger root, cayenne pepper, yellow mustard seed, and chili pepper enhance the health and antioxidant value of EDEN Kimchi Sauerkraut. Deliciousness and superb benefits from pure and purifying EDEN Kimchi Sauerkraut, no untoward ingredients whatsoever. Great on sandwiches, in salads, vegetable dishes, soups and stews. It is a rewarding garnish, side dish, or satisfying snack. has many free recipes.